Pre-Primary (AgeS 2 to 3) Program


The Pre-Primary Room's curriculum continues to develop gross and fine motor skills, while focusing on each child's emotional health. The "terrible two's" are classified as such in popular culture because this is the age in which children are beginning to understand a range of emotions and also becoming aware of boundaries (and the desire to push them). So, in this classroom, a great deal of time and energy is put towards helping each friend identify and understand their emotions, and channel them in positive ways, while also recognizing and respecting other friends' emotional needs.

When the weather cooperates, the Pre-Primary friends spend a lot of time outside, whether on the playground or in the outdoor classroom. In the classroom, there are lots of choices: puzzles, art, gross motor activities, dolls, cleaning supplies (yes, they love to clean!), music, and more. Optional group activities are available in this room as well, including reading books, dancing, and art projects. The room also has a "potty" room for those who are ready to work on training.